Monday, January 25, 2010

Into the Wild

To: PFC "Smaug" Ilvain

From: Sgt. "Stomp Ass" Malrail


Ilvain, your patience has paid off. You are one of the more experienced and "aged" troops we have. Please understand, it was not my intention to hold you back. The High Council deemed it necessary at the time. However, times are changing and you are the only one I can trust with this new squad. This is also the last recon squad we'll have for a very long time. I know you've heard rumors about some of the other recon squads, they are just that, rumors. We've lost good soldiers out there. Now let's just hope we can keep them alive.

Cpl. Timms will be leading the squad into the Wild for their first taste of combat. Guide them as best you can. Good luck soldier, remember your training and you should make it back in one piece.

-Sgt. "Stomp Ass" Malrail

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