Monday, January 25, 2010

Into the Wild

To: PFC "Smaug" Ilvain

From: Sgt. "Stomp Ass" Malrail


Ilvain, your patience has paid off. You are one of the more experienced and "aged" troops we have. Please understand, it was not my intention to hold you back. The High Council deemed it necessary at the time. However, times are changing and you are the only one I can trust with this new squad. This is also the last recon squad we'll have for a very long time. I know you've heard rumors about some of the other recon squads, they are just that, rumors. We've lost good soldiers out there. Now let's just hope we can keep them alive.

Cpl. Timms will be leading the squad into the Wild for their first taste of combat. Guide them as best you can. Good luck soldier, remember your training and you should make it back in one piece.

-Sgt. "Stomp Ass" Malrail

Ready to go!

From: PFC "Smaug" Ilvain

To: Sgt. Malrail - Unit Leader


I am very excited that you have pulled me from the mundane task of training the never ending stream of 'boots' that come through our doors. I have long desired to partake in the front line action. My years of experience will finally be put to the test. No more simulations. No more babysitting the weak.

Let's just hope that this new group of untested recruits do not fail. I would hate to be killed on my first venture into the wilds.

- PFC Ilvain

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scraping the bottom of the barrel...

From: High Council

To: Sgt. Malrail - Unit Leader


Malrail, your request for more recon scouts has been denied. Our current front line numbers need to stay up and there just aren't enough viable candidates to fill the spots you have open. You will have to make due with what you have. Your requisition for replacement equipment has also been denied. No need to give your new troops anything better than the standard issue gear if they are going to end up dead anyways. Cpl. Timms will only stay with your new squad for their first mission, after that he will be reassigned. We're running short on healers Malrail, you know we need them at the front lines. Let's just pray that something changes.

-Jilnarth - High Council

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dear Diary 1/18/2010

Just received our orders from Sgt "pompas" Malrail.

Another suicide mission of course, can't wait for this war to end. I'm not even sure who the bad guys are anymore, I've seen our own men do horrible acts, hell i've seen myself do questionable acts. I guess that's just the way it is during war. Can't believe we got some cursed medic assigned to our team. Funny though, the only thing i can think of when I see him is"Jinx buy me a coke"


Monday, January 18, 2010

Renok, Dwarf Shaman level 1

Some choose their destiny, others have it chosen for them.

Renok was rough and tumble as a shortbeard, only finding peace prospecting for ore in the deep tunnels or mountain passes. It was while prospecting that he came upon an unusual badger, one inhabited by a powerful Primal spirit. The spirit left the badger's body and bonded to Renok's soul. Over the years it taught him the ways of the spirit world, little by little, because he was raw and undisciplined. It taught him about nature, both flora and fauna, the earth and the sky. Renok learned concentration and self-control, and with this discipline came the ability to tap into the power of the Spirit world.

When his time for mandatory military service came it didn't take long for him to get selected for Recon, as a medic.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Your squad has been assigned a combat medic. Lance Corporal Timms is your guide and temporary leader for your first venture into the wild. His call sign is "Lucky." He earned this after being the only survivor of the last two squads he served in. He's known as "Jinx" in some circles and you lucky bastards get to have him on your team. Remember to keep your eyes open and your weapons at the ready. Good luck soldiers.

- Sgt. "Stomp Ass" Malrail